White Moon Crystals

Unpolished Green Opal

Sale price$5.00 USD

Rough raw green opal is a captivating gemstone that holds a wealth of metaphysical properties beneficial for holistic well-being.

Its connection to the heart chakra makes it a potent tool for heart chakra healing, promoting love, compassion, and emotional balance.

This gemstone is also deeply associated with emotional healing, providing support in overcoming past traumas, grief, and negative emotions.

Green opal is revered as a stone of renewal and growth, symbolizing new beginnings and fresh opportunities for personal transformation. Its ability to enhance spiritual growth and experiences makes it a valuable companion in meditation and spiritual practices, deepening intuition and promoting clarity.

Additionally, green opal is believed to support physical healing by boosting vitality, energy levels, and overall well-being, making it a cherished ally on the journey to holistic wellness.